Hedge Fund EA for MAM/PAMM
Manage your Clients Fund with HEDGE Fund Robo more efficiently. Specially built for MAM/PAMM Automation hedge funds and Social Trading.
What Is a MAM Account?
A Multi Account Manager (MAM) is designed for money managers who are looking for extensive flexibility when they are sub-allocating their trades on a single master account. With this tool, money managers are able to quickly execute block orders with just one click while being under one master account.
Who Benefits From MAM Accounts?
The software is ideal for traders or money managers utilising Expert Advisors (EAs) and enhances the functionality of the MetaTrader 4 platform by allowing multiple accounts to be managed from 1 simple interface. Block orders can be executed with 1 click from the Master Account with preset allocation methods. Thousands of accounts can be traded with 1 click and with virtually no additional latency. The allocation methods allow the software to act as a MAM, PAMM, or LAMM with several variations of each.

- MAM manager to adjust trading parameter in real time
- Unlimited trading accounts and deposit amount
- Trades – Full, Mini & Micro Lot accounts for best allocation advantage
- Allocations to accounts at as little as 0.01 lots (1000 units)
- All normal order types accepted: Market, Stop, Limit
- All unique order types accepted: Trailing Stop, Close by and Close all
- Manage multiple master accounts having different strategies
- Allows Expert Advisor (EA) trading of managed accounts from client side
- Each Sub Account has an output to screen report
- Market watch window within MAM
- Live order management monitoring within MAM including P&L
- STP on master account for bulk order execution, with instant allocation to sub accounts
- Monitor commissions and performance in real time
- Manage Monthly, Quarterly and Annual client reports through the MetaTrader Manager.
- Secure Direct Access To Investor
- Anytime Stop Trading And Withdrawal Money Without Penalty
- Transparent Personal Login Access To Investor
- Automated Equal Risk & Profit Settings
- Controlled Drawdown
- Available on MT4 & MT5 Versions
- Following Fibo Rules
- Trade on All Currency/Cryptocurrency Pairs
- Diversify Risks
- Do all that with Forex Hedge Fund Robo.